Mugabe, the West, and "servile" Zimbabweans
I've always found it baffling when people (particularly westerners,) discover with shock and a degree of condescension that Mugabe has, and dare I say it, remains deeply beloved by many a Zimbabwean. Fact; the quality of life of the majority of my countrymen downright plummeted during and since our colonization by the British. Oh please, you really want to tell me you believe that hogwash about how colonization brought the three C's (civilization, commerce, and Christianity) to us in 1890? My ancestors, first the Munhumutapa, and then the Ndebele andRozvi empires did more foreign trade (mainly with Arab merchants and other empires) before colonization than they did since. We've always been deeply religious (much more so than we are now--thanks to Western Christendom for creating a schism between our way of life and faith). As for civilization, I'm not even going to address that; it's nothing but anti-African propaganda, enough said.
No, don't get me wrong, I'm not going on a blame me everything on West rant. I see major blind spots in many westerners opinions about Zimbabwe, I'm just pointing them out.
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No, don't get me wrong, I'm not going on a blame me everything on West rant. I see major blind spots in many westerners opinions about Zimbabwe, I'm just pointing them out.
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